Finding out what genuinely works for a man's prostate health may be difficult and perplexing. I've listed some of the important guidelines and suggestions you should be aware of in this post. And if you've discovered anything that has really worked for you, as shown by trial and error, please let me know. I'd want to be able to tell others about it.
First, go through the following list of tips for better prostate health and benign prostate enlargement.
1. Most urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by an enlarged prostate. Candida and diseases such as prostatitis are also linked. Candida is a prevalent and insidious illness that should be avoided at all costs. I have an easy self-test for candida on my website.
2. Perform pelvic exercises to promote circulation by purposefully contracting your pelvic muscles at least 100 times each day. Increase your awareness of your pelvic inner environment. Consider your buttocks, lower abdominals, scrotum, urethra, and sphincter separately.
3. Use Prosperon to naturally increase your testosterone levels.
4. Drink lots of water every day to keep your system clean.
5. Switch to a low-animal-protein, grain-rich diet, or a macrobiotic version.
6. Maintain a healthy weight.
7. Keep a notebook to monitor and identify what is and is not working for you as soon as possible. Consider your symptoms for yourself; don't rely just on your doctor!
8. Understand that hormones are just hormones and vitamins are just vitamins. When his PSA test results were abnormally high, a buddy suggested that he try an anti-parasite medication to cure himself. It caused no damage, however, your prostate is related to hormones and must be addressed on this level.
You can't put new oil in your automobile when you're out of gas and then bemoan the fact that your engine won't start!
9. Visualize yourself as much healthier, with a healthy prostate and urethra. Approach your body with compassion since it is a part of your temple where your spirit lives. ACCEPT.
Melatonin: According to outstanding research conducted at Tel Aviv University, the melatonin receptors in
Prostate enlargement might be suppressed by the prostate. An enlarged prostate, according to researchers, is
because of the estrogen and testosterone imbalance that happens as we age They also mentioned
Excess estrogen also interferes with melatonin metabolism (J. Clin. Endoc. Metab.
82 (1997) p. 2535 - 41).
Their recommendation is to take 1-3 milligrams of melatonin every night. (Continue using this dose;
As with most medications, more is not always better.) Take it ONLY at night to avoid interfering with the body's natural synthesis of melatonin before daybreak. To obtain a decent night's sleep, get to bed at 10 o'clock.
Warmest regards, Pieternel
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